
In diesem Bereich präsentieren wir Ihnen Englischübersetzungen, die wir für gelungen halten. Unter “Kategorien” können Sie die entsprechenden Fachbereiche auswählen. Darüber hinaus haben wir den Bereich “House of Horrors” eingerichtet. Hier...

Management Report

As was the case in the first three months of the current financial year, industry performance as a whole remained anaemic during the reporting period. Irrespective of the seasonal downturn generally associated with the first calendar quarter, restrained demand and...

Cable Osteosyntheses

The operation is performed in the supine position with the upper arm in a blood-reducing cuff. The arm, washed as far as the shoulder, has only the elbow exposed. In addition to the cable instruments, we use small Hohmann retractors and two small pointed repositioning...

Cutting through the clutter

Today’s managers are faced with information overload. Confronted with a profusion of company data and masses of Internet-based material, decision-makers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep abreast of things. In fact, more and more time is spent on...