English. It's our cup of tea.
Englisches Arbeitszeugnis – Muster
Qualifiziert und erfahren.
Englisches Arbeitszeugnis – Muster 1
Letter of Reference
To Whom It May Concern,
It gives us great pleasure to compose a letter of reference for X, who was employed at empik Sp. z o. o., Poland, as Chief Architect “JUNIOR Project” from 18 July 2005 to 29 February 2008 and as a part-time Architectural Consultant from March 2008 onwards. As President of the Board of empik, I worked in close cooperation with X, whom I valued as an extremely talented, reliable and hard-working member of the management team. Her performance was outstanding at all times. (Muster, englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Einleitung mit Angaben zur Person und zum Zeitraum)
empik Sp. z o. o. has established itself as one of the leading media and entertainment retailers in Eastern Europe, boasting a chain of more than 100 media stores in Poland and 30 outlets in Ukraine. The company’s portfolio includes newspapers, magazines, books, music and films, as well as multimedia products and stationery. Attracting more than 5.5 million customers per month to its shops in Poland, empik is acknowledged as a high-powered brand within the retail industry. Its megastore and high-street business is complemented by a well-established online shop that serves in excess of 1.5 million visitors each month. empik has also built a strong reputation as a cultural ambassador and sponsor within the field of music, theatre and literature. The company operates as part of the NFI Empik Media & Fashion Group, which recorded sales revenue of €418.8 million in 2007. (Muster, englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Kurzdarstellung des Unternehmens)
X played a pivotal role in cementing empik’s position as a premium retail company within the media and entertainment sector. As part of the company’s JUNIOR Project, she was given the brief of designing the interior of empik’s flagship store – by the name of “JUNIOR” – in Warsaw, spanning 5,000 square metres. Within this context, X was responsible for the full range of activities associated with the interior design of our refurbished megastore, from shop layout and facility design to the choice of materials, furniture and fittings, colour schemes and lighting. Her duties also involved dealing with a number of highly technical issues, such as escalator and elevator design, checkout technology and air conditioning. Supervising a team of specialists, X created an entirely new style that will serve as a template and benchmark for all of the company’s next-generation stores. The JUNIOR store features a café, various stages for presentations and events, offices, dressing rooms and a children’s corner, as well as a number of high-tech elements such as video screens and music-listening points. (Muster, englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Stellenbeschreibung mit Verantwortungsbereichen)
Displaying consummate organisational skills and an in-depth knowledge of interior store design, X worked in close collaboration with the general contractor, project manager, architects and financial department to create a shopping experience tailored to Poland’s new generation of consumers. Her performance was all the more impressive when one considers that she spoke no Polish when she first moved to Warsaw in 2005. Demonstrating an insatiable appetite for knowledge, she was quick to acquire the language skills needed to manage this highly complex project in an efficient, results-oriented manner. Her strong command of German and English, complemented by French and Italian, also proved to be a valuable asset.
The JUNIOR Project called for creativity, resourcefulness and the ability to multitask under difficult conditions. X performed to the highest standard in all three areas. What is more, she displayed the financial and business acumen needed to complete the project on time and in budget. We would also like to draw particular attention to X’s leadership qualities. She demonstrated great skill and charisma in heading a three-member team of employees, inspiring them to perform under pressure. X demonstrated very mature interpersonal skills and was able to influence at all levels. Leading by example, she created a team-based environment, in which all project participants received full recognition for their efforts. (Muster, englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Schlüsselerfolge)
All tasks assigned to X were performed to our utmost satisfaction. Her behaviour towards senior management, colleagues, staff and business partners was always beyond reproach. X was a loyal, respected and popular member of the team. A self-starter by nature, she showed a great deal of energy and determination. Her contribution to empik’s success in the business arena was significant. We were particularly impressed with her project planning and management skills, together with her ability to use her initiative and see complex projects through to fruition. She inspired the entire team and always produced work of outstanding merit. (Muster, englisches Arbeitszeugnis: Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, inkl. Beurteilung)
Having successfully completed the JUNIOR Project, X expressed the wish to reassess her future career plans. We deeply regret her decision to leave the company but also appreciate her desire to take up new challenges. X would be an asset to any team, and we can recommend her without reservation. We wish her all the very best for her professional and personal future. (Abspann – in diesem Fall mit einer “Empfehlung”; von deutschen Unternehmen erstellte englische Arbeitszeugnisse enthalten in der Regel keine Empfehlungen dieser Art)
President of the Board
Englisches Arbeitszeugnis – Muster 2
Letter of Reference
Frankfurt, 31 March XXXX
To Whom It May Concern,
It gives us great pleasure to compose a letter of reference for X, who joined our company, Cerberus Deutschland Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, on 1 September 2004 in the role of Vice President and was subsequently promoted to Senior Vice President, before being appointed as Managing Director, Co-Head of European Real Estate Group.
Based in Frankfurt/Main, Cerberus Deutschland Beteiligungsberatung GmbH (formerly Cerberus Deutschland GmbH) oversees the German operations of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., New York, one of the world’s foremost private investment firms specialising in the provision of financial resources and operational expertise to help transform undervalued companies into industry leaders. Operating within the global business arena, Cerberus holds controlling or significant minority interests in companies around the world. In aggregate, these companies currently generate over $100 billion in annual revenues.
X, who holds a combined business/engineering degree (Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur) from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, was employed within our company’s European Real Estate Group. Displaying an exceptional level of commitment and having closed a number of major deals on behalf of our company, he was promoted to the position of Senior Vice President on 6 September 2006, before being appointed as Managing Director, Co-Head of European Real Estate Group on 9 May 2007. In these roles, he was responsible for distressed asset-backed investments, the emphasis being on corporate acquisitions, non-performing loans and asset deals. Within this context, his duties included sourcing and executing an extensive range of transactions on both the buy and the sell side. In total, X negotiated and implemented commercial and residential real estate transactions in excess of €6 billion. In his most recent position, he was responsible for building and leading a team of ten investment professionals.
A self-starter by nature, X demonstrated the ability to source and execute major real estate deals with great judgement and financial astuteness, thus contributing directly to the success of our operations within the German market. In parallel, he displayed maturity, determination and charisma in leading a team of individuals and motivating them to perform at the highest level. His accomplishments at Cerberus are a tribute to his well-developed management and people skills, complemented by the capacity to identify business opportunities at an early stage and see deals through to fruition. The individual share and asset deals managed by X, together with the manner in which he directed all associated processes, serve as evidence of his insight, dedication and professionalism. What is more, X showed an exceptional level of control and composure when having to contend with challenging market conditions and staff restructuring in a highly dynamic business environment. Drawing on his knowledge of German and US-style real estate deals, X also demonstrated great awareness when it came to facilitating transactions in close collaboration with Cerberus investment teams based in the United States. His good command of English, complemented by an excellent understanding of the cultural complexities facing a global company, proved invaluable within this area. At the same time, X used his extensive networking contacts within the real estate, investment banking and financial/legal advisory community to drive forward business and build the reputation of Cerberus in Germany and, indeed, Europe. Today, our company is a trusted and highly respected partner within the financial and real estate sectors. In contributing his financial acumen, leadership skills and incisive approach to management, X helped to drive forward our business within this competitive arena.
X was a strong team player with finely honed interpersonal skills, integrity and the ability to motivate and lead others around him. Displaying all the qualities of a conscientious and loyal member of staff, he was always highly respected by his supervisors, colleagues and team members. His professionalism, approachability and humour made him a particularly valuable member of the Cerberus team.
In summary, X is a highly capable investment professional with a solid track record of success in the financial sector and well-developed social skills. X resigned from his post at Cerberus effective from 30 September 2008 and was on full-pay leave until 31 March 2009. We deeply regret his decision to leave our company and would like to have secured his services for the long term by offering him a senior position at our corporate headquarters in New York. At the same time, however, we also fully appreciate his desire to pursue new career opportunities. X made a significant contribution to Cerberus, for which we would like to thank him. We would also like to take this opportunity to wish X all the best for his personal and professional future. There is no doubt in our mind that X would be an asset to any management team.
On behalf of X Deutschland
COO & General Manager
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