
We pointed out that there were indeed differing opinions at an international level as to the risk associated with the fair value option. Moreover, the Paper was not aimed at imposing additional restrictions with regard to risk management or the application of the fair...

Insider dealings

Pursuant to Section 15 of the Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG), in the version of the Investor Protection Enhancement Act (Anlegerschutzverbesserungsgesetz – AnSVG) of 30 October 2004, an issuer of financial instruments that are admitted to...

Notifications under WpHG

Pursuant to Section 15a (1) sentence 1 WpHG, the notification must be issued within 5 working days. The notification is to be submitted to us and the issuer. The duty to provide a notification always arises upon conclusion of the transaction (conclusion of a...

Financial Conglomerates Directive

In the opinion of Germany’s MTG representatives, the wording of Article 3(7), first subparagraph, second sentence of the Financial Conglomerates Directive is ambiguous. Germany’s position is that, for the purposes of identification, the wording “der dem von der Gruppe...


Please note that German laws governing activities other than distribution/marketing in accordance with Annex II of the UCITS Directive, an area that is of specific relevance to securities supervision, apply without exception and must be observed as part of your...